News — Toddler
Happy Birthday to our very own Disney Princess!
behind the scenes birthday tutu childrens tutus Diary disney princess disneyland family Family Business girls tutu girls tutus Handmade happy birthday Home Business kids tutu memories minnie minnie mouse Minnie Mouse Outfit Minnie Skirt sleeping beauty minnie mouse ears Small Business Toddler tutu factory tutu factory family Tutu Skirt Tutu Tuesday tutus
Yes, our little Princess Olivia is a very grown up 8 years old today! And she has a tutu and Minnie Mouse ear collection that some of you would die for! It really helps being part of the Tutu Factory family. Olivia is Luby's Goddaughter and Laura's Niece. So of course, whenever it is a fancy dress day at school or a birthday party, she knows what to do! (Always wins best dressed on the last day of term, obviously!) A lot of the tutus you'll see here were designed especially for 'our Liv's needs and dreams and then...
In The Pink!
Accessories bachelorette Bachelorette Party Best Sellers disney Disney Hen Party Disneyland Hen Do Hen Night Hen Party Kids Minnie minnie ears Minnie Madness Minnie Mouse Pink SALE Toddler
Treat yourself to some pink Minnie Mouse ears! Why not grab yourself a bargain and purchase our Pink Minnie Mouse ears? We're literally drowning in our mountain of Minnie Mouse ears in the Tutu Factory stock room so we're selling a limited amount for just 0.25p each! They're really pretty Minnie ears in a hot pink or a baby pink that would be great for future Disney trips or even Disney themed hen parties. They are very lightweight too which makes them fab for both adults, children and toddlers.Ears are sparkly on the front...