News — Tutu Factory
Happy Birthday to our very own Disney Princess!
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Yes, our little Princess Olivia is a very grown up 8 years old today! And she has a tutu and Minnie Mouse ear collection that some of you would die for! It really helps being part of the Tutu Factory family. Olivia is Luby's Goddaughter and Laura's Niece. So of course, whenever it is a fancy dress day at school or a birthday party, she knows what to do! (Always wins best dressed on the last day of term, obviously!) A lot of the tutus you'll see here were designed especially for 'our Liv's needs and dreams and then...
Recent love for the Tutu Factory
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We've been getting some lovely reviews lately. It's been so nice! Honestly, every single person that takes the time to send us a message or leave a nice review makes our day. We're not just saying it, it really does. If Laura isn't in the office that day she gets a screenshot and I'll go and show it to the other girls in the shed. (Sorry, I mean the 'Sewing Room')Sometimes people only bother to take the time to leave a review or send a message if it's to moan (we're the same! Me and Laura love a good moan) And...
Tutu Tuesday
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" Tutus are like a good wine.There is always room for more." Hell Yeah. Lynz is modelling a glass of rosé and our Ravin' Stardust tutu set.
You can't buy happiness but...
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It's true. You can't buy happiness but buying tutus and arranging your fancy dress night out doesn't bring out depression! Have you ever seen a sad person in a costume? Me and my friends sometimes enjoy choosing our theme out outfits more than the night out... (but that's us!) Lynz is shown here wearing our Funk'D Up tutu on an impromptu wine/tutu shoot night. Keep the sadness away, dressing up is the way forward!
Tutu Factory Customer Reviews
Customers Happy Minnie Veil Reviews Reviews Thank You Tutu Factory Tutu Factory Reviews Tutu Reviews
Do you want some customer reviews about the Tutu Factory? We made these up for the review section on our old website before we upgraded to this one. We didn't want to lose them so thought we'd upload them to the blog! We only upgraded in October 2015 so they aren't very old. We're looking in to you being able to review each product individually in store so other customers can see before purchasing!All the comments are from the actual people or product featured in the photos.