If we're going to wear face masks we might as well do it in style, right?!
We had mountains of Disney fabrics waiting around to be used so we thought why not put it to good use and create reusable face masks with them?

We are selling our mystery masks ONLY on our Etsy Shop.
Due to the high volume of orders we receive sometimes we have to put the shop on pause while we catch up on orders. You can sign up to email notifications for when we reopen by clicking on the Etsy link.
We offer both adults and children's masks which can be Non-Reversible or Reversible. Face masks are not recommended for children under 2 years.
Our children's masks fit 5-10Y. We are happy to make them slightly smaller if required, please add a note to the order.

Our Mystery Masks let you choose your character for your mask but you cannot choose the design. Fabrics go out of stock quickly, we're not always able to get hold of the same fabric we could last week, etc. which is why they are a mystery mask.
We will not be able to show you what fabrics we currently have in stock at any one time.

If you choose a reversible mask this means that you get to choose to have two different characters, so it's basically two masks in one!

Our masks are made in the standard sized measurements for adults and children. The sides have thin elastic to go around your ears. You can always knot them if you wanted to go for a super tight fit.
Whilst it is not mandatory to wear face masks in the UK right now, the government has hinted that there may be some point where it could be 'advised' that we wear some form of mask when we are no longer in lock-down.
Please keep in mind that hand-washing and social distancing are much more effective than simply wearing some form of face mask. So whilst we do feel 'safer' when wearing masks please make sure that you are still washing your hands as much as possible and sticking to the social distancing guidelines when possible.
We want to make sure that the NHS and key-workers have access to the correct medical face masks they need to ensure they stay safe to keep doing the best job that they can. By leaving those masks available for the people that need them you're helping us all.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has a tutorial on how to make your own mask, says cloth face coverings should:
- fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
- be secured with ties or ear loops
- include multiple layers of fabric
- allow for breathing without restriction
- be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape