News — Tutu Factory
Behind The Scenes
Behind the scenes Blogger Family Business Handmade Home Business memories Minnie Madness office Processing your order Small Business Tutu Factory Tutufactoryuk Your Order
How We Make Your Order - from start to finish! We thought we'd give you a little insight behind the scenes of your orders at the Tutu Factory. We're going to take you from the beginning of the process right up to the end!A lot of people usually think that we are a large company with a team of staff. But really we work out of the spare room of our house and in some cute little studios down the bottom of our garden! There's only a few of us here, working long hours every day as well as running...
Tutu Tuesday
Fashion Tutu On Trend Quote Skirt Tutu Tutu Factory Tutu Quotes Tutu Skirt Tutu Tuesday Tutufactoryuk
Most people want their tutus as poofy as possible! Don't forget, you can add as many layers as you like to your tutu by adding the 'Add another Layer' in our Extras menu.